You are a Child of God


Galatians 3:26 – “For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus.”

A huge majority of the world is seeking an identity. People tend to identify themselves (and others) by their physical appearance, family background, education, lifestyle or career. But your identity cannot rest in these factors.

Physical appearances change, and hardly anyone is 100% happy with how they look. Your background might define why you are the way you are now, but it doesn’t define who you are. Your education, lifestyle and career might shift with the economy and innovations of the future. You need a secure identity that is more than what you look like, who you are with or what you can do. The only unchanging identity you can have is that you are a child of the Most High God.

When you surrender your life to the Lord Jesus and allow Him to be master over your life, you become a child of God (John 1:12). You are an heir of the King of kings and Lord of lords, the One who brought the universe into existence. When you are certain of this fact, it will deeply impact every area of your life.

As you live in the assurance that God Almighty is your Father, it will affect the way you think, speak and act. You will wake up every morning with the assurance that your Father is watching over you. Nothing’s going to happen to you that He can’t handle. Trust in the Lord and rest in your unique identity as His son/daughter.


One Comment

  1. Ramakrishna
    19 Nov 2019 07:03:18 Reply

    Yes i trust in the Lord because i am His son through faith in Jesus Christ. Yes indeed i am the child most high God. I cling on to Him for all my needs. He is my everything, my all in all. Nothing is impossible for my God in my adverse situations He is my comforter. He is Abba Father ( Gal 4:6)

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