You are a Child of God


Galatians 3:26

“For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus.”

How would you respond to the question, “Who are you?” Children might respond with their names, their parents’ names, and perhaps their age or the class they’re in. Most adults tend to answer with their profession, marital status, and maybe the number of kids they have. In a world that defines people by what they accomplish, it’s no wonder that our identity is often wrapped up in what we do, not who we really are.

In today’s verse, Paul boldly reminds the Galatians of their true identity. If you believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, that’s your identity as well – you are a son/daughter of the Lord Most High. Every other relationship you have on this earth can be beautifully transformed when viewed through this crucial identity. Since you’ve been adopted into God’s family – an heir to His heavenly inheritance, everything you say, do, or think is a direct reflection of Him.

The faith you have in the Lord Jesus Christ can direct every aspect of your life and work, if you’ll allow it. You have free access to His wisdom, grace, and strength, every single day of your life. You don’t have to face any situation alone – Your Father is always present with you to comfort and guide you. You are loved and cherished – the Master of the universe delights in you. Now, isn’t that the most secure identity you can rest in?!



  1. Ramakrishna
    11 Feb 2021 07:37:10 Reply

    Yes, Lord I am your child. You have chosen me from my mother’s womb. I have been born again into your family, your blood flows through my veins. You split the sea and brought me into the land of milk and honey, that you have promised to our forefathers. Through Moses. Oh thank you Heavenly Father. I exalt your most high name, Jesus. Help me to do your will my Lord, fill me with your spirit, lead me into your righteous path alone. I praise you, adore and honour you. In the mighty name of Jesus Christ I pray. Amen

  2. Rani
    11 Feb 2021 09:29:56 Reply

    Than you Lord for giving me an identity in u .. and making me worthy of heavenly inheritance.. Thank u Jesus for ur wisdom,grace n strength….Amen.🙏

  3. Satish Kumar
    11 Feb 2021 10:19:50 Reply

    What a priviledge yi be your child thank you for choosine me and bleasing me and my family i feel always protected by your grace and mercy. Thank you Lord for all that you do for me. I love you my Lord. I pray and wish that each and everyone in this world should know thi true and livable Lord and may jis grace and mercy manifest in them, remove all the sins that prevails in this world and this world be a beautiful place to live under our Lords guidance

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