You are Redeemed


Psalm 34:22 – “The Lord redeems the soul of His servants, and none of those who trust in Him shall be condemned.”

One of the dictionary definitions of the word “redeem” is, “to gain or regain possession of (something) in exchange for payment.” When you go back and read today’s verse with this definition in mind, it makes it all the more meaningful. The Lord Jesus Christ has regained possession of our souls in exchange for payment – His blood on the cross of Calvary.

When we sin, it’s almost as if we’re selling our soul to the devil. But the Lord purchased it back and when we believe in Him, we become His. When we trust in God, we will never be put to shame. We are no longer under any guilt or condemnation. The Lord Jesus Christ has rescued us from the eternal punishment that we deserved. We are no longer bound to our past sins, we are free. Now that we have experienced this freedom from bondage and sin, we must be careful to not fall back into it.

Galatians 5:1 says, “For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery.” Allow yourself to be guided by the Holy Spirit every day of your life. When you submit your life to God, He will give you the strength to resist any temptation that you might face. Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom (2 Corinthians 3:17). Continue living in the freedom the Lord Jesus Christ has purchased for you and experience His grace every second of your life.


One Comment

  1. Ramakrishna
    07 May 2020 06:32:41 Reply

    Yes, indeed Jesus Christ our Lord has purchased all of us before I/we born. Our sinful debts have been redempted on the cross of Calvary 2000 years ago. How great God we have. There is no one like unto Him. He alone is trustworthy. He’s awesome and indescribable. Nothing in this world can sarcifice for the whole humanity.
    Let’s cling on to Him His word is double edged sword, which pierced not only body but even our souls. Let’s give thanks Him. He is alone is derserves every honour every glory and praise.
    Thank you Lord for your sacrificial love. No one can offer such eternal love. We praise you, magnify and give you all the glory now and evermore. HALLELUJAH AMEN.

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