You have what it takes.


  Seek the LORD and HIS Strength, Seek HIS face forevermore! 1 Chronicles 16: 11 (KJV)

The present situation of our world has proved to us that economies can fail, money can become meaningless when you do not have the guarantee of life, life is fragile and our decisions are not here to stand the test of time. We decide much, but GOD brings things to pass.

We must learn to depend on GOD. Dependency on GOD gives us the strength that is needed to sail through times of difficulty and uncertainties. How can one completely depend upon GOD? Here are some of the ways in which we can achieve dependency on GOD. 

Have Confidence in GOD.  our GOD promises us that HE will never leave us nor forsake us.   We need to completely believe this, even when the pat ahead of you seems dwindling, trust this promise of GOD and have complete confidence in HIM. When you completely trust in HIM, you will see the miracles happen and the closed doors open. 

Believe in yourselves: the Bible tells us in Romans 8:37: that we are more than conquerors in Christ Jesus. It is very important to not let ourselves down, for it hurts GOD when we do so. He values us so much that HE died for us, let us not demean the sacrifice of Christ by letting ourselves down. We are ABLE and STRONG to rise up in all situations because we depend on GOD. 

Nothing and No one can stop us from fulfilling our destiny. we are Chosen and Loved. we will make it through this season of Trials. 


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