Your Liberty is in Your Faith!


2 Corinthians 3:17 NKJV “Now the Lord is Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty”

How many times in your life have you felt held captive by the negative consequences and emotions of your past or present life, or how many times a day are you prone to feel this way? Today’s devotion has answers to all your anguish. 

“Freedom”, “Hope”, “Deliverance”, and “Liberty” are a few words dear to a soul held captive by the predicaments of flesh, legalism, or the evil influences of sin. But, the story we tell others about Christ in our lives shows to what degree we’ve experienced the liberty in Christ and the degree of liberty we experience in Christ shows to what degree we’ve developed our faith.  

The believers in the Corinthian Church were blinded by the ways and grace of God because of their biased views towards certain groups of leaders and teachers who were eloquent, wealthy, and well-spoken! They blinded their minds by giving preference to the outlook of the speech of grace rather than the fabric of it. This hindered them from seeing the true liberty in Christ which is why the scripture states: “But their minds were blinded” 2 Corinthians 3:14. They turned towards the message of fame, rather than the message of faith.   

But, God is not mocked by human standards! We can only experience liberty in Christ when we recognize our areas of darkness and openly present them to Him. Jesus our Prince of Peace and our Deliverer has all the authority to set us free from any kind of bondage we might be living in today. So, let’s use our liberty to capture and claim every promise spoken in the Word of God.


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