Your Personal GPS


John 16:13 NIV

“When He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on His own; He will speak only what He hears, and He will tell you what is yet to come.”

Our Lord Jesus Christ had only a few years on the earth with His disciples. He had so much more to tell them but they were not ready to grasp it all at that time. It’s in this context that Jesus Christ says the words in today’s verse. He told the disciples that they would receive the Holy Spirit who would then guide them into all truth. The Holy Spirit would speak to them, tell them what is to come, and guide their day-to-day lives.

As children of the Most High God who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, we too have the Holy Spirit residing in us. We don’t have to be perturbed about what the future holds because the Holy Spirit will be our personal GPS, guiding us into God’s perfect will. Even when He seems silent, God is always working in the background of our lives, and we can be sure He will show us the way we need to go.

Just as a GPS guides us to make the right turns and redirects us when we’re going astray, the Holy Spirit will guide us – through the Word, through spiritual mentors, and even through difficult situations. Take a minute to commit your thoughts and plans into the Lord’s hands – He will guide you, one step at a time.



  1. Anand
    20 Apr 2023 04:50:36 Reply

    Praise our lord Jesus Christ.
    blessed to recieve the word of god.
    may the holy spirit guide us all the time and bless us with his wisdom.

  2. Vandana Sam
    20 Apr 2023 07:41:50 Reply

    Praise the Lord. Today is my sister’s 60th birthday. All praise to Almighty for guiding her throughout her life. Lord be with her always protecting her and strengthening her always. Bless her always.

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