A desiring heart


May He grant you according to your heart’s desire, And fulfill all your purpose. Psalm 20:4

David, was a prayerful king filled with compassion for his people and prayed for their protection and that their hearts be diverted to the Almighty God. He wanted every person in his kingdom to place God in the center of their life so that whatever they desired came from God. This is a wonderful prayer for every believer to pray for themselves and others. 

The Bible says, “Keep your heart with all diligence, For out of it spring the issues of life.” We frequently struggle to get our hearts and mind to align. We know the right thing, but the desires of our flesh often take over, creating confusion and delays. But when we allow God to fill our hearts with the things He cares for us to desire, we function in His Spirit. 

When functioning in God’s Spirit, the things we desired suddenly lose their hold on us. The luxuries we fancied begin to change, the promotion we have been seeking loses its charm, and success starts looking different. When God gives us desires, our perspective of treasure takes another point of view. Our treasures get aligned with God’s plans and purposes for us. It makes us seek first the Kingdom of God, knowing that everything else will follow. 

As you end this year, I encourage you to take some time to think about the things you chased after. Think of what you treasured this year. Did you end up creating any new idols this year? And as you reflect and the spirit leads you into new revelations, ask God to transform your heart. Ask Him to fill your heart with His desires. Let His desires and yours become one. 


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