A God we can trust


Psalm 37:23 — “The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, and He delights in his way.” (NKJV)

When we were babies, our parents delighted in our tottering first steps. Where did we gain our confidence from? From the encouraging tone of their voices, the eager look on their faces, and their beckoning gestures. Similarly, all that concerns us is of great interest to our Heavenly Father.

The central theme of this Psalm, sung by David, is about trusting in the Lord. We read that the steps of a ‘good’ man,or woman, are ordered by the Lord. This means our steps are secured and established. And nothing on the earth, below the earth, nor in the Heavens can cause the steps of those made righteous through Jesus Christ to fall. But this is only true of those who trust in the Lord completely.

Do your circumstances seem to tell you that you have been cast away by God? When trials arise, do you run toward the Lord? Or do you try to handle things yourself? If you are a believer, and you have put your trust in Christ, remind yourself of these three truths:

1. God is the strong establisher of your ways, and delights in you as you seek Him

2. God faithfully upholds you, even though circumstances seem to tell you otherwise

3. Life may be unpredictable, but God’s mighty hand is steady

If you desire that God should direct your ways, surrender your every day to Him: your thoughts, decisions, and plans. Tell him: “Lord Jesus, take the wheel. Take it from my hands; I can’t do this on my own. I’m letting go, and giving you a chance to lead me.”



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