A Life of Praise


Psalm 146:1-2 – “Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord, O my soul! While I live I will praise the Lord; I will sing praises to my God while I have my being.”

What does it mean to praise someone? The dictionary says it’s a way of expressing our admiration, respect and gratitude. We praise a lot of people in our lives. We praise a child who’s learnt a new skill. We praise a peer’s achievement. We praise leaders who’ve taken a good decision. Yet, nobody deserves our praise more than our Lord Jesus Christ.

It’s because of His saving grace that we’ve been rescued from darkness and brought into His marvelous light. It’s His blood that cleansed our sins and purchased a place for us in eternity. It’s His wisdom and strength that enables us to live every day in obedience to His will. It’s His provision and protection that keeps us breathing today. A couple of songs on Sunday would not be sufficient to express all the love and gratitude we feel towards Him.

Rather than restricting our praise to the duration of a song on YouTube or Spotify, what if we were able to praise God with our whole being? We can live a life that praises God by being conscious of everything we do, say or think. When our desires and decisions are saturated with the love we have for our Lord Jesus Christ, our lives become a constant song of praise to our Creator. When we allow God’s Word to seep into our hearts and let the Holy Spirit direct our thoughts, our very lives become an offering of praise to Him.


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