A Mighty Fortress Is Our God


Psalm 34:19-20

“Many are the afflictions of the righteous, But the Lord delivers him out of them all. 20 He guards all his bones; Not one of them is broken.”

Psalm 34 was written by David when he was delivered from Abimelech. Therefore this Psalm shows confidence, assurance, and boast in the Lord. David is magnifying the Lord who delivered him when he cried for help. Indeed He was a mighty fortress for David.

Here “righteous” is referred to as God’s children, they may have many troubles and yet they do them no hurt but are made to work for good to them, for God will deliver them out of them all. In Psalms 34:15 it says “The eyes of the Lord is upon the righteous”, to direct them and guide them, to protect and to keep them. Parents can relate to this, they will not allow their children to be out of their sight and will watch over them as much as possible, how much more will our heavenly Father does. He will watch over us with a watchful and tender concern. No harm shall befall us.

A mighty fortress is our God righteous run into it and they are safe.

Blessed Day ahead.


One Comment

  1. Leona woods
    21 Jan 2022 20:42:45 Reply

    Amen. Praise God for he is a mighty God and he gives us grace to face every situation and bring us out victorious for our good.

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