A New Life in Jesus


Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. 2 Corinthians 5:17

When we move to a new place, everything is new. We need to learn everything from scratch, we need to find our bearings in the new space. Something similar happens when we accept Christ in our lives.

We are born again in Christ, when we believe in and accept Christ as our personal Saviour. We are reborn like babies in Christ’s Kingdom. Like how children grow in the secular world, we need to grow with the knowledge of God’s Word in the guidance of the Holy Spirit. It is a new beginning for us.

God has forgiven our old sins and our old life is forgotten. We are given a second chance as God’s children to live according to God’s Word and to fulfill our purpose, for which we were created for Gods Kingdom. We feel renewed, refreshed, and anointed as a part of God’s Kingdom.

We feel clean and fresh like when we were born into this world. The only difference is that we are now a baby in God’s family. This means you have a second chance to set things right with God. To live a life in obedience to God’s Word and to be ambassadors for His Kingdom. To make others who are lost in today’s world, aware of our God and His love for us. The same love that brought you to Him. The same love that can touch their lives: make them spotless in sin and bring them into God’s family, if only they allow for this to happen. The only thing we did was to believe that Christ is the Son of God who came to Earth as a man to die for our sins and to bring us eternal life.

Dear Lord, thank you for choosing and calling us out to be born again into your family. Thank you for giving us this chance for a new life. Through your ultimate sacrifice on the cross, our sins were forgiven. You have wiped our slate clean so that we can start afresh to follow the path you have chosen for us. Amen.


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