A Sacrifice for Sin


John 12:32 “And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself.” 

Whether one is a believer or not, almost everyone, at some stage of their lives, has wondered about Lord Jesus. His life, death, and resurrection have left many amazed and curious, to say the least. 

Everything our Lord Jesus did is of significance. There has always been an element of mystery that surrounded Him. Everything that He did was unexplainable. His coming into this world was a divine miracle and the fulfillment of a prophecy. 

When Jesus lived amongst us, His character was revealed through His teachings and lifestyle. He practiced a superior way of living, unmatched by others. His immaculate personality and wisdom changed people’s perspectives around the world. His love changed people’s hearts and brought indescribable joy. 

And finally, His death sent shockwaves throughout history. The world was astonished that the Messiah who came to save them died such a cruel death. Well, little did they know that He came as a sacrifice for our sins, and His death on the cross, was the beginning of a new life, void of sin and darkness. His death gave us victory over every curse and negative power that had dominion over our lives, thus drawing us closer to our Father.
Dear God, thank You for dying for my sins and saving me from evil and every principality of darkness. For this, I will always be indebted to You! In Jesus name, Amen! 

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