A Story for the Ages


2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.

Apostle Paul’s messages on grace and love have timeless significance. Even today, 1 Corinthians 13 – his message on love – is quoted at many weddings.

It would seem that Paul was always inclined toward love and grace, doesn’t it?

The Old Paul (Saul)

Saul was a persecutor of Christians. He was one of the leading antagonists in the stoning of Stephen.  In many ways, he was a terrorist who hunted people who followed Christ and tormented them.

On one such sinister journey, he encountered the Lord Jesus (Acts 9: 1-9). His life was never the same again…

The Transformative Journey

Often, we think the first step of the journey is the hardest. But the steps that follow require an ardent commitment to the cause.

To begin with, Saul’s name was changed to Paul. The change in his name must have caused a shift in identity. But Paul anchored his identity in Christ, which made the change in name insignificant.

He must have also lost a multitude of friends. As a terrorist, Paul did not work alone. He had a gang of hoodlums for friends. Certainly, those people were no longer his friends. To make things worse, none of the Christians wanted to be his friend because of his reputation.

But Paul was ready to face the world without any friends. He knew that he had all that was needed and more in Jesus!

The New Paul

Paul underwent a radical transformation from a terrorist to a preacher of grace. He went on to author almost half of the books in the New Testament. In one of these books, he wrote the verse that is chosen for our devotion today.

Imagine the conviction with which he wrote, “…old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.”

Our Story

Every day we write a new chapter in our book of life. Will our story be one of victory as in the life of Paul?

Anchor your identity in Christ and trust Him when He changes the course of your life. He is turning it into a story for the ages!


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