Accessing the Extravagance of Heaven


Psalm 145:17

The Lord is righteous in all His ways, gracious in all His works.

Is life fair?

Bill Gates says, ‘life is not fair, get used to it.’

Thank God for His Word and His righteousness. What is righteousness though? How can God’s righteousness be revealed?

To be righteous means to be free from guilt and sin; to do the right thing for self and others. It means obeying the law and adhering to morals.

As we already know, we have all fallen short. We have sinned or crossed the lines, somewhere or another, in our thoughts, words, actions or even our feelings. In religious terms, that makes us all sinners. Sinners need to pay the price for their sins.

While this sounds fair, praise God for Jesus Christ! For God, the Father sent His Son Jesus, the pure and Holy One. The One who was born of the Spirit and lived righteously. He sacrificed the precious Blood of Jesus as an atonement for the sins of man. Therefore, ANYONE who believes that Jesus is the Son of the Most High, receives His blood as a covering and abides in His Word, WILL BE made right with God. 

It shows that God is fair and does not treat us as our sins. Instead, He demonstrates

His love and grace by and through Jesus Christ, His only Son.

Now, through Jesus, we can access an abundant life. An unfair and compromised life is out of question!!! Through the love of Jesus we can experience the extravagance of Heaven. The peace that passes all understanding, exceeding joy that comes from the Lord and fills us with strength; can be ours. We have hope that does not disappoint(Rom.5:5) but abounds by the power of the Holy Spirit.

We can have faith that can move mountains, for IF we believe, ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE, through our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ!!!



  1. Rajamurugan Athimuthu
    16 Aug 2022 12:14:35 Reply

    Amen Amen Amen Amen & Amen. Thank You Jesus Christ For Your Precious Blood And Life That Has Cleansed Us. Thank You Christ Jesus

  2. Nirmala Vivekanand Swamy
    16 Aug 2022 14:32:42 Reply

    Hallelujah, Praise the Lord .

    Thank you for making us righteous, thank you Lord for cleansing our sins with your precious blood

  3. Ruby willam Dhaser
    17 Aug 2022 08:42:00 Reply

    Yes indeed all things are possible with our lord Jesus 🙏

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