Act of Forgiveness


Mark 11:25 NKJV

Whenever you stand praying, if you have anything against anyone, forgive him, that your Father in heaven may also forgive you your trespasses.

The author of the book “The Hiding Place”, Corrie Ten Boom, once shared a remarkable story of forgiveness that gives us a valuable lesson. Shortly after the Second World War, she delivered a sermon on forgiveness at a meeting in Germany. Once she finished, the audience started to disperse, and she encountered an old guard. He had been in the same concentration camp as her and her sister. The painful memories rushed back to her of how cruel this guard had been to them and how her sister suffered a slow, shameful death at the camp. This guard had since become a Christian and was now eager to hear from a former prisoner that he had been forgiven. Remembering that forgiveness is more an act of will than an emotion, Corrie finally forgave him and grasped his hand.

We all struggle with our baggage of unforgiveness hiding in our closets. Like the continuous tolling of an old church bell, the old, angry memories can haunt us even though we believe we have genuinely forgiven those who hurt us. In those moments, it’s always better to trust God beyond our emotions and thoughts.

Our Savior, Jesus Christ, personified forgiveness for us all to follow. Even while hanging on the cross of Calvary, He forgave the Roman soldiers who harmed Him. While our acts of forgiveness pale in comparison, our relationship with God depends on our willingness to forgive others. So, today, let’s prioritize our walk with God and aspire to forgive more readily. It’s easier said than done, but all things are possible with God.

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