Love as Long as the Nile


Jeremiah 20:13 Sing to the Lord! Praise the Lord! For He has delivered the life of the poor from the hand of evildoers.

Moses was to be thrown into the River Nile to drown. But God had other plans for his life…

The Situation in Egypt

The Egyptians and the Israelites lived in harmony, until the ruling king stepped down. The new ruler didn’t show favor to the Israelites. Not only did he force them into hard labor, but he issued a decree stating that every newborn Hebrew boy was to be thrown into the River Nile.

How could a mother have the heart to throw her helpless baby into the river to drown?

When God Intervened

A mother’s love is pure and powerful!

But it wasn’t enough to save a baby from the hands of the Egyptians… until God stepped in to orchestrate a mighty miracle!

Moses’ mother got a papyrus basket and transformed it into a flotation device by coating it with tar and pitch. She placed baby Moses in the basket and set it afloat among reeds near the riverbank. Miriam, Moses’ sister, was assigned the task of watching over the basket from a distance.

Sometime later, Pharaoh’s daughter came down to the river to bathe. Her eyes were drawn to the basket. Curious to know what was in it, she asked her servant to bring it to her. On opening the basket she saw Moses and immediately recognized that it was a Hebrew baby.

Being the ruler’s daughter, one would imagine that she would follow her father’s orders and throw the baby into the river. But God created a desire in her to raise the child as her own.

At that very moment, Miriam asked the princess if she wanted a Hebrew woman to nurse the baby. It so happened that the princess welcomed the idea. Moreover, she was willing to pay for her services.

So Moses’ mother took care of him and got paid for it!

The Pinnacle of Love

On this special day let’s celebrate our mothers for the love they have showered on us! A mother’s love is priceless! She goes the extra mile and a half to take care of her children. But let’s not forget to ask ourselves this question – If human love can be so great, how great is the love of our Heavenly Father who sent His only begotten Son from heaven to earth to redeem us from sin?

God loves you more than you can imagine. Trust Him for your miracle!


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