Be Thankful.


He has made His wonderful works to be remembered; The Lord is gracious and full of compassion. Psalm 111:4 

The Israelis are a group of people. Rescued by GOD from slavery, under the hands of Egyptian pharaohs. The creation of a nation by the name Israel came into existence by the intervention of GOD alone. Many miracles were performed by GOD, to safely bring Israelites, into their promised land. In fact, the very first vision of the land of Israel was given by GOD. The People of Israel, remember these miracles, and the favor they enjoyed from GOD during their journey from Egypt to the promised land, even to this day. 

Similarly, as the members of the family of God, through the sacrifice of JESUS CHRIST on the cross, We are to remember, how greatly compassionate, and faithful our GOD has been. He endured the humiliation by his own people, HE suffered excruciating pain, HE stood strong, just of us. How wonderstruck we are, when we realize that, Our LORD JESUS endured all the pain and humiliation given by mankind, just because, HE was thinking of You and me. He knew one day in the future, we will need HIM, and HIS sacrifice, to sanctify us and heal us, wash us of our sins. The LORD remembered us. 

Now, as an attribute of our thanksgiving, let us remember HIS word and remember to keep following HIS commands. HE is alive and working in our lives through the HOLY SPIRIT. So Let us proclaim this verse from Psalm 111:4 over our life, as we remember HIS sacrifice and declare HIS sovereignty over us. 


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