Believe in the Light


While you have the light, believe in the light, that you may become sons of light. John 12:36

In a remote village, a grand lighthouse perched on a cliff, guided ships safely to shore. One day, the lighthouse keeper announced that he would be leaving. Before his departure, he gathered the villagers and said, “While you have the light, believe in the light, that you may become beacons of light.” Some villagers took his words to heart, learning how to maintain the lighthouse and spread its light. They became the new keepers, ensuring that the light continued to guide ships and protect their village from the dangers of the dark sea.

This story mirrors John 12:36. Jesus, the “light,” urges His followers to believe in Him while He is with them. The light represents Jesus’ divine presence, teachings, and truth. Believing in the light means trusting Jesus, following His guidance, and letting His teachings transform our lives.

To “become sons of light” means to embody Jesus’ values. It involves living with integrity, compassion, and truth, allowing these qualities to shine in our daily lives. Just as the villagers became keepers of the lighthouse, believers are called to reflect His light in the world. Jesus’ message is urgent, emphasizing the need to act while the opportunity exists.

Like the villagers who had to learn to maintain the lighthouse before the keeper left, we must embrace Jesus’ teachings and let them illuminate our lives. It means actively seeking to understand and apply Jesus’ teachings through prayer, reading the Bible, and living out His principles of love and justice. “Sons of light” also signifies a collective responsibility. When each believer reflects His light, together we can dispel greater darkness. This highlights the importance of community and mutual support among believers, encouraging one another to maintain and spread the light.

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