Bless the LORD, O my soul


Psalm 103:1 – “Bless the LORD, O my soul; And all that is within me, bless His holy name.” 

“To “bless” is more than to praise; it is to praise with affection and gratitude.“(Pulpit Commentary).  

My soul is the Psalmist’s self or personality: all that is within me are the various organs of the body, which were regarded by the Hebrews as the seat of thought will and emotion. The Psalmist summons all the faculties and powers of his being to unite in the praise of Jehovah.”(Cambridge Bible). 

God is worthy of our praise and worship, because it is the least we can do to acknowledge His goodness, kindness, compassion, mercy, and love for us.  And as the writter mentions above, to bless is more than to praise, because it engages our affection and gratitude. 

God is worthy of all our praise with all our being, with all that is within us, physically, emotionally and spiritually.  When praise rises, we focus on Who God Is, we shut down earthly thoughts, we invite the presence of the Living God and of His angels.  When we praise Him, the atmosphere changes, and darkness and evil have to flee because they cannot co-exist. 

When we praise His Holy Name, the Name that is above all other names on earth, above the earth, and below the earth, we give Him the glory He deserves.  When we praise His holy name, healing and forgiveness take place, we feel overwhelmed by His presence. 

“We praise you Lord, because You alone are worthy.  Thank you for forgiving all our sins, and healing all our diseases; Thank You for Your promises and Your unfailing love for us.  We praise and bless You! Amen!” 


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