Called us to repentance


Luke 5:32:  I came not to call the righteous but sinners to repentance.

The gospel is the power of salvation to everyone who believes in Jesus.  Jesus says He came to call sinners to repentance.  The Bible says that all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.  Jesus came that we might be saved and be freed from the powers of hell.  Nobody is righteous before God.

During the time of Jesus on the earth, there were many religious teachers of the law of Moses and there were scribes as well.  They considered themselves righteous.  They were opposed to Jesus and the way of life.  They did not like Jesus mingling with the tax collectors and people of ill repute.  They thought they lived a life of righteousness by obeying the law of Moses.   So Jesus said he came to call the sinners to repentance.  Praise be to God because our sins are forgiven and He has accepted us as His children.  We were dead to sins and were in our own trespasses, but God in His mercy pardoned us of our sins and sealed us with the Spirit of adoption so that we can cry out Abba, Father.

Let us humble therefore before God, thanking God for the gift of salvation.  Had it not been for Jesus, we might have had a defeated life and lost all hope.  Thank God because He called us who were sinners once upon a time unto repentance and has now given us the hope of eternal life with God.
