Christ, the Game-Changer!!!


Psalm 30:11
You have turned for me my mourning into dancing;
You have put off my sackcloth and clothed me with gladness

The psalmist in the scripture above is expressing the success he had in seeking the Lord by prayer and supplication. There was a sudden change of things, as it often is with the people of God. Our God truly is Game-Changer.

We mourn for various reasons ….. like uncertainty around us, sin, affliction, spiritual decays, times of calamity and distress, and as a token of humiliation and repentance temptations or as here in the Psalm “God hiding His face”.

In our mourning when we seek Him and bring our burdens to Him: He exchanges our mourning for joy and gladness. God exhibits His pardoning love, revives His work in their souls, takes off His afflicting hand from them, rebukes the tempter, and delivers out of all temptations, and shows Himself, His grace and favor.

As people of God, we will not have any situations in which God cannot turn it to our favor and blessing. Let us remember this truth. He is the faithful one, in Him, all our mourning will turn into dancing, our sadness to gladness.

Blessed Day ahead.


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