Considerate and Compassionate God


Psalm 31:7
“I will be glad and rejoice in Your mercy, for You have considered my trouble; You have known my soul in adversities.”

When do we rejoice or be glad? Gladness and rejoicing are the outcome of victory, achievement, etc. In Psalm 31:7, David comforts and encourages himself with his hope in God and willingly decides to be glad, rejoicing even in midst of the uncertain days he was facing running away from King Saul. He was confident that his God had taken notice of his afflictions – “For You have considered my trouble;” and also knew that God who had taken notice of his condition surely observed his temperament.

Our God understands our anger, frustration and helplessness – “You have known my soul in adversities”, during challenging moments of our life.

Psalm 31 is a fusion of professing faith and praying for deliverance. We should remember in our moments of trouble that we believe in the God who considers it. He is not ignorant. During those times, He understands our temperament. He understands every emotion of our hearts. We need not fake it but can come to Him just as we are, pouring out our hearts just like David did. Our God is a compassionate comforter, He calms every storm of our heart and fills it with His joy and peace, and enables us to be glad and rejoice over His truth.

Let us cast all our cares on Him, for He cares. May we always fight our battles on our knees. May we always willingly choose to be glad and rejoice in the Lord.

Blessed Day Ahead.


One Comment

  1. Joyce Dsouza
    11 Jun 2022 13:23:34 Reply

    Praise God……Thank you for the encouragement through this Psalm

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