

Seek the Lord your God, and you will find Him if you seek Him with all your heart and with all your soul. Deuteronomy 4:29 

Who doesn’t want to know GOD? We all do. The verse promises us that, we will find GOD, and even GOD is waiting eagerly to reveal HIMSELF to us. Then what is inhibiting GOD from revealing and we finding HIM? 

Well, the Bible says, that only those who sincerely and very eagerly yearn to see GOD will surely see. When I use the word “see” it can be understood in the terms of “experience”. GOD is an unfathomable and divine experience, the faint at heart cannot handle HIM. But thanks to JESUS CHRIST, who has made the experience, reachable or attainable, through HIS sacrifice on the cross. What CHRIST has given to us on the cross, is not cheap, or easily obtainable, it is a very COSTLY GRACE. 

Let us every day remind ourselves, the cost paid for our ransom. Every time, we don’t work hard towards our goals, or talk casually about our lives, fear the things of this world more than GOD, remember that we are putting a very COSTLY GRACE down. None of us would keep our gold ornaments or money carelessly so that someone could come and steal, then how much more our FAITH in GOD should be valued. 

Every day, seek the LORD and be sure you will experience HIM, in fact, you might be already experiencing HIM, You just need to calm your mind and see, what the LORD has done. 



One Comment

  1. Neena Macwan
    16 Jan 2021 06:57:41 Reply

    prayers for me and family. May God guide us and protect us and cover us with blood of Jesus Christ amen. give financial and health security. god u go before us to make things successful for us amen

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