Jeremiah 31:34 NIV
“They will all know Me, from the least of them to the greatest,” declares the Lord. “For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more.”
This verse is part of the new covenant God made with the Israelites. They would walk in restoration and know the Lord through personal experience. He would forgive their sins and write His laws on their hearts. Despite them turning away and returning to Him multiple times, He did not give up on them. God not only forgave them but had planned a greater future for them. He had a better covenant for them.
What caused the Israelites to stray from God? It was their sin. However, God offered to pardon them from it all. Our gracious Heavenly Father wiped their sin-stained slates clean by the precious blood of His Son, Jesus.
Two young girls were counting how much they had saved while gleefully sitting together on a bench. One girl pulled everything from her small purse and began counting “One, two, three… I have three rupees!” While she gathered her small wealth from the bench, her friend pulled her small purse out and began counting as well, One, two, three, four… I have eight rupees!” she exclaimed. Her friend looked puzzled and asked “I don’t see the other four here. Where are you getting that from?” With confidence, she answered, “My dad told me he will give me 4 rupees when he gets home, and I know he will give it to me.“ That child knew her father would keep his word.
Our covenant-keeping Father is waiting with open arms to receive us. Guilt no longer has to follow us; our sins are wiped clean after true repentance. Take hold of God’s promises and trust Him.
Praise the Lord
Yes, He is. He’s covenant keeper. He never leave us, nor forsake us. His shadow follows us to protect. As he is with first Adam walk and talk in the cool of the air. Even now He speaking and walking with us, he guides, he protects from all evil snares and dangers of this world and worldly things. He came as a last Adam to save and to give salvation to all.
Thank you God bless all