Dawn After the Dark


John 16:22

Therefore you now have sorrow; but I will see you again and your heart will rejoice, and your joy no one will take from you.

In John 16:1-3, Christ explains the sorrow and persecution his followers can expect from the world. The important aspect of encouragement is that pain and suffering are temporary compared to the joy ahead. He is preparing His disciples for the coming days. It has a parallel with a woman giving birth. The pain may be extremely intense, but it is only momentary, and what comes after is lasting happiness and joy.

The pain we go through today is essential for what God has for us in the future. Our sadness may not be replaced, but it will transform into joy. We need to go through the seasons of life to learn and grow. There will be troubles, but our God, Jesus Christ has overcome the world, and the same Holy Spirit is within us.

There will be people against us, trying to break us down, when we stand for what is right. Some situations and circumstances test our faith. But remember, none of it will last. By the grace of God, we will go from agony to inexpressible joy.

When we face the darkest moments of our lives, that is when we get closer to God and the Holy Spirit, who lives in us, is our assurance of the dawn of joy and blessings.



  1. Lakshmi srinivas
    30 Sep 2022 05:29:15 Reply

    please pray to my mother health recovery &job .

    past 10 months onwards my mother is bed return please pray for her speed recovery

    i lost my job also taking care my mother it becoming difficult

    • Bethel Team
      05 Oct 2022 13:11:31 Reply

      Dear Lakshmi,

      We pray for your mother’s health and speedy recovery. Keep praying and do not lose faith. Jesus will deliver you.

  2. Nicholas Pink
    30 Sep 2022 06:16:46 Reply

    Amen 🙏 praise the Lord for all your blessings.Be with us lord and guide us in all that we do in Jesus name I pray Amen

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