Driven by eternity


These things I have written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, that you may know that you have eternal life, and that you may continue to believe in the name of the Son of God. I John 5:13

In our life here on earth, we are all constantly in search of truth, love, wisdom and reasoning. In the pursuit to find these vitals of living, we must understand that it is meaningful only when we search beyond the boundaries of our temporality. This journey is a process in which we learn to open our mind’s eyes, where we learn to fix our eyes on Jesus and through Him we will taste, eternity outstretched before us in His abundant mercy and grace.

There have been several research papers and projects that have tried to answer the five W’s- who, what, when, where, why and how about God, but nothing in this universe could define our Lord Jesus. No one accepts Jesus after doing research and finding out the pros and cons of it. It’s impossible to know an eternal God fully from a human perspective. It takes an eternity to know an eternal father. But that is why we have faith, the truth reveals itself when we, in faith, receive Jesus into our hearts. It might take only a second to make that decision, to profess in faith that He is our personal Lord and Savior, but the impact of it goes on for a lifetime.

For it is by faith that we live in Christ not by flesh, this is the first step which enables our mind’s eye to open. It is the faith we have in Jesus Christ that breathes a new life, a new perspective, a new hope, a new and renewed love! Faith becomes our first and our last step until we see Him face to face. Faith is all the steps in between too, that keeps nurturing our onward journey.


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