Dwell Securely


But whoever listens to me will dwell safely, And will be secure, without fear of evil. Proverbs 1:33

King Solomon, the wisest man there ever lived and the author of this chapter, sheds light on paying heed to the call of wisdom. Wisdom calls out, but people often turn a deaf ear to her counsel. Far too many reject wisdom and are enticed away by the wicked world for unjust gain. There is no point in gaining the whole world but losing our souls.

Who are you listening to?
We can’t stop the birds from flying over our heads, but we can stop them from building a nest on our heads. We cannot completely ignore the world around us, but we can prudently resist the temptations of the world. Sadly, fools follow their own paths, ending in affliction. The law of entropy states that we can effortlessly get corrupted. Empirical validation establishes that seeking wisdom is better than chasing the foolishness surrounding us.

The fear of God Almighty keeps us from being lured into wickedness. Those who obey God are guaranteed to live safe and secure. The wise man built his house on the rock and stood unshaken through the mighty storms of life(Matthew 7:24). Fear of God eliminates the fear of evil. When God is in your house, you will dwell securely.

Unfortunately, King Solomon stopped listening to God’s word and heeded the counsel of the world around him(1 Kings 11:4). Hence, his reign became insecure, and the nation suffered duly. Let this be a warning for us to be always attentive to God so that our lives reflect God’s mercy and grace. Allow wisdom to help you dwell securely in the Almighty!

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