Everlasting life through faith


John 6:47
“Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me has everlasting life.”

Yesterday we saw a scripture that proclaimed the same. The eternal security of the one who sees the Son and believes in Him. In John 6 Jesus proclaims the same three times. He was arresting His disciples’ attention here. What He was about to say He solemnly assured those who believe in Him.

The operative word in Jesus’ statement is “life.” The life here is eternal life.
Faith is a demand of God. Man has a responsibility for his salvation. To believe in Jesus is to possess everlasting life. The word “has” in the above scripture is present tense; it is not “shall have.” The present tense of “believes” indicates that those who believe have eternal life at the moment they believe.

What a story of the ones who meet the demand of God – everlasting life.
Everlasting life begins when one receives Christ in the here and now. Hence the beginning of it and the ending of spiritual death. This life is the present and abiding possession of those who believe in Christ.

Does not our heart leap with joy by knowing that we are the “Heir of salvation and Purchase of God
Thank You Jesus for this Blessed Assurance.

Blessed Day ahead.


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