Favour and honour


Daniel 6:3: Then this Daniel was preferred above the presidents and princes, because an excellent spirit was in him; and the king thought to set him over the whole realm.

Daniel was a man of prayer. He was preferred above the presidents and princes.  He was favoured by the king because he realized there was an excellent spirit in him.  Daniel was set over the whole realm by the king.

Not only was Daniel favoured by the king, he was also enjoying the favour of God upon his life. God filled him with a spirit of excellency.  He excelled in all matters of the kingdom as well as with the matters of God.  He never compromised on his prayer life even if it meant that he would be thrown in the lions’ den.  He was careful as to the kind of friends he had, the food he ate, etc.  He knew what God wanted out of him.  He did his best to obey God and please Him even during adverse moments of his life.  For us to have favour from our bosses or those in authority above us, we need to live a life of integrity and honesty.  We have to give the first priority to God in our lives whether in church, office, or home.  Ask God for wisdom to handle all the things concerning your life.  Learn to gain favour with Him so that we can gain favour from human beings.

Let your heart be centered around Christ, the only hope.  Honour and respect Him in everything you do.  Don’t be afraid to stand up for Him even if it means that you might be losing some friends.  Have godly friends in your circle of friends, friends who will lead you more near to God.  Ask for the spirit of excellence in all that you do.  Be blessed.
