Fervency in Prayer


Matthew 7:7 NKJV

“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.”

Ours is probably the most hurried generation there has ever been. As we live in a microwave era, we value instant gratification over patience, perseverance, and practice. The fault with our “2-minute noodle” generation is that we drop out the second we do not see results, but that mindset isn’t suitable for our prayer life.

The Message version of today’s verse says- “Keep on, keep at it. Don’t get tired, don’t drop in between, don’t stop in between. Keep on doing, keep on seeking, keep on looking, and keep on praying; till you get what you pray for.” God wants us to genuinely probe for answers, sincerely seek His heart, and devotedly pursue godly character.

God brings things together, He answers the deepest desires of our hearts, and He makes all things beautiful, but in His time. God has not scheduled a specific date for every blessing. Instead, He gives us the grace to grow in our character, preparing us to handle the blessing. God desires to see a fervent heart in us while we pray. Romans 12:12 says, “Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.” Faithfulness is an important component of prayer, and our Father desires to see us grow in faithfulness.

Our spiritual treasures are hidden in God, and they are only revealed when we pursue His heart. So, let’s fervently seek after Him, for all good things shall be added to us when we seek Him.

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