Find joy and strength


‭‭1 Chronicles‬ ‭16:27 – “Honor and majesty are found in His presence; strength and joy are found in His sanctuary.”

There are a lot of things in this world that can steal our joy. Sickness, hurt feelings, worries and major losses are quick to take away the peace we’ve found in Jesus. While deep down we do believe God cares about us and will make a way for us, we get disheartened in the midst of our trials. There are times when we just don’t have the strength to carry on any more. But God doesn’t want us to carry on by ourselves, does He?

He has promised strength for the weak. He has promised rest for the weary. He has promised joy for the tears you’ve been shedding. It is difficult to hold on to the feelings of joy and peace when we’re in the midst of a real struggle. But there is one place where we can continually find it – the presence of God, His sanctuary.

Going to church on Sunday has a variety of benefits. One of them is that you can come away by yourself – leave your cares and burdens at home, and just bask in the presence of God. Acknowledge what He’s done for you this far, and receive His promises to strengthen your faith. You will be armed with strength and joy in the presence of the Lord. And when Monday comes, you don’t have to fear. You just need to take a quiet moment with the Lord, and refill yourself before you get engaged in the affairs of your week. If you’re running a little low on strength and joy, enter God’s presence. He will fill you up!