Finish Well


Unless the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain who build it; unless the Lord guards the city, the watchman stays awake in vain. Psalm 127:1

Peace and prosperity characterize king Solomon’s reign. There were hardly any wars during his reign, whereas architectural buildings and construction were soaring in the kingdom. The monuments and the Temple of God that Solomon built were magnificent, and foreigners came from far off to learn from him. He built everything he desired because God had given him wisdom and provisions. But in the end, all was vanity of vanities for the great king as he gradually drifted from God towards worldly pleasures.

King Solomon wrote this psalm. It would have been wiser if he practised what he wrote. Though Solomon’s start was phenomenal, he didn’t finish well. His heart turned from God. Thankfully, God, in His wrath, did not tear apart the kingdom during Solomon’s reign, as promised to his father, David (1 Kings 11:1-13). However, unlike him, David didn’t have a good beginning. He was always on the run as a fugitive from King Saul. Though at last David became king, it was not an easy reign. He also messed up, but that didn’t alienate him from God. His heart was humble and desperate for God always. He always came back to God no matter what. A broken heart, God never rejects.

What is your heart inclined to?
When we seek God with all our hearts, all that is needed will be added to us. We can try to build our lives and guard ourselves from all harm, but in vain. We have no clue about what our future holds. It is foolishness to predict life based on what we know or see. Instead, derive comfort in every circumstance from the certainty that the all-knowing God is on our side. Our labour will be sweet and our lives secure when we surrender to our Lord, Jesus Christ. He is the author and finisher of our lives. No one can help you finish well than God Almighty. May God anoint us to lead a life of purpose, not vanity of vanities.


  1. Carol
    21 May 2024 01:39:48 Reply

    Thank you worship team.
    Thank you Rev. Johnson, I love the way you preach and by listening to the word of God has brought change in me.

  2. Jacklin Din
    21 May 2024 11:23:34 Reply

    Respected Pastor,
    Please pray for me. There is an ongoing court case in my life and because of my mistake everything is falling apart.

    • Bethel Team
      21 May 2024 12:15:59 Reply

      Dear Jacklin,

      Prayers for your circumstances to change in accordance to God’s will. May God’s wisdom and discernment guide you daily.

      Bethel Team

  3. Divya
    21 May 2024 13:09:22 Reply

    I’m following daily devotions on regular basis and I’m so blessed . kindly pray for me as I’m taking one step forward towards my gods given purpose I experience devils attack on me emotionally and spiritually. pls pray for me

    • Bethel Team
      21 May 2024 13:52:16 Reply

      Dear Divya,

      Prayers for God-given directions for your life. Let the fruits of the Spirit be evident in your life.

      Bethel Team

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