Finish What You Started


2 Corinthians 8:11 – “Now finish the work, so that your eager willingness to do it may be matched by your completion of it, according to your means.”

When his team was asked to start on a new project, Rahul was enthusiastic about taking the lead. He knew he had the knowledge and the skills to lead his team in this project. But as the days went by, he started getting worn down with all the work he had to do. And to top it all, there was no cooperation within the team and the deadline was looming. He almost wanted to throw in the towel and tell the management he couldn’t do it any more.

Haven’t we also faced similar situations? We start everything off with excitement. We know we can do it; we know God is with us and He will help us through whatever is coming our way. But as time goes by, the monotony of our work sets in and we start getting bored. We don’t see an end in sight and we start becoming lazy in our work. Paul’s advice to the Corinthians is something we can all take to heart in such situations.

Today’s verse reminds us of the eagerness we had at the beginning, and encourages us to finish it strong as well. The same can be applied to our spiritual lives too. Let us not become passive in our relationship with God. We need to have the same fervor we had when we first accepted Christ into our lives. And we need to keep growing strong in our faith, until the day we meet Him face to face. Let this thought guide you in the week ahead. Have a blessed week!


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