Forgiven to Forgive


But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you Mathew 5:44

The above verse covers a range of people i.e. 1. Persons who call themselves our enemies, 2. those who curse us, 3. those who hate us, 4 those who spitefully use us, and lastly, 5. those who persecute us. In fact, we all have encountered people who either fall in one or all these categories in our life and are still facing such persons every day. When we encounter such people in our life, our natural human reaction towards them is anger and disgust.

But see what the bible tells, it says, instead of anger and disgust have love for them, bless them and pray for them. It is unfathomable to the human mind, as to how can we love, bless and pray for someone who disgusts us? surely GOD is not telling us to fake it till we make it, for GOD believes in genuineness as HE is a Genuine GOD. Then how do we handle such situations?

One of the ways, to handle a situation like this, is to remind ourselves of what GOD had to forgive us for, in order to be called HIS child. We all have done mistakes and sins, yet GOD did not have anger and disgust for us, but HE only had LOVE and Faith in us. HE believed us to become better people, though our sins disgusted HIM, HE did not hate the Sinner. Similarly, though people commit sins against us, we are to forgive and love the sinner and hate the sin, Bless those who hate you and rebuke the hate, Bless the persecutor, and endure through it.


One Comment

  1. Sujatha Sunil
    30 Sep 2021 15:31:37 Reply

    Praise the Lord, God help me to forgive others those who hate me

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