From Waiting to Inheriting


Wait on the Lord and keep His way, and He shall exalt you to inherit the land. Psalm 37:34

An intricate balance between trust and anticipation is waiting. It’s not just doing nothing; it’s an active surrender. When we wait on the Lord, we relinquish control and recognize that our timing isn’t divine. We yield our impatience and fretful glances at the clock and breathe in faith. In the waiting room of life, we learn endurance and discover that God’s delays are not denials. Like a master painter, He blends hues of hope and perseverance, creating a canvas of resilience.

Waiting isn’t idle. It’s intertwined with action: “and keep His way.” As we wait, we walk. We follow the path illuminated by His Word, choose integrity over shortcuts, compassion over bitterness, and forgiveness over grudges. We keep His way, not veering into compromise. Keeping His way means living justly, loving mercy, and walking humbly (Micah 6:8). It’s about aligning our steps with His, even when the world thinks about shortcuts. So choose kindness when distrust beckons and choose grace when judgment lurks.

What awaits us at the end of this patient journey? An inheritance—a land promised by the One who never breaks His word. It’s not merely a physical plot of earth, but a spiritual legacy of the attainment of deferred dreams and reaping of seeds sown in tears.

The wicked may flaunt their fleeting power, like grass that flourishes briefly. Their roots are shallow, and storms uproot them. In contrast, the patient inheritors who wait on the Lord stand firm. They witness justice unfolding, wickedness cut off, and promises fulfilled.

Psalm 37:34 has echoed through generations, inspiring countless hearts. May it continue to resonate, urging us toward patient faith and purposeful living.


One Comment

  1. Dr V Y John
    30 Jul 2024 16:53:59 Reply

    profound interpretation pastor thanks for sharing blessed to get daily bread from the team of pastors

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