Fruits from a good soil


Matthew 13:8:  But other fell into good ground, and brought forth fruit, some an hundredfold, some sixtyfold, some thirtyfold.

God wants us to bear fruit in our lives.  The word of God is like a seed that is sown in a farm land.  The more we accept and grow by it, the more fruit will be seen in our lives.

Our heart is supposed to be like a good ground which will help germinate the seed and help the plants grow  finally into fruit bearing trees.  From a good ground, a farmer harvests a good yield.  When spiritual seeds are sown into our heart, we should take care of the word in such a way that we will bear fruits that God thinks are good.  Our life must be filled with the fruit of the Spirit.  The enemy always comes to rob this precious word that is sown in our heart.  He wants to rob us of the joy and peace that the word brings.  If the word is choked by cares and challenges of this world, then we will have a life of defeat and hopelessness.  We will end up with no fruits once the seed is robbed or trampled over or choked by various pressure-like situation or trouble.

Prepare your hearts to receive God’s word.  His word is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path.  Feed on His word richly to be able to stand against the enemy of our souls.  God’s word in us will help us live a righteous life, bearing fruits everyday with the fruit of love topping every other fruit. We will be a changed personality and people should be able to see it based on how much love, gentleness, peace, patience, etc., are we able to produce everyday.  Let us produce them in abundance.

