Glory and Goodwill


Luke 2:14

“Glory to God in the highest, And on earth peace, goodwill toward men!”

The Christmas season is upon us and all around we see evidence of it – from stars hanging outside homes to lights twinkling in the malls. Over the years, Christmas has become yet another commercial holiday with a focus on Santa Claus and gift giving. In all the joy of the season, let’s not forget the reason we’re celebrating – the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Today’s verse echoes what the herald angels said to the shepherds over 2000 years ago. They proclaimed the birth of Christ and then pronounced glory to God and goodwill towards men. Even as we’re celebrating the birth of our Savior this season, let’s double check our focus. Are we giving God all the glory? Are we living at peace with our family, friends, and acquaintances?

If you have the chance to talk to someone about Christmas this week, take the opportunity to direct them to the real reason for the season. Share with them who Jesus is and what He’s done for you. Give Him the glory for what He’s done in your life. Ask God to show you if you need to mend any relationships and share the goodwill. Let’s magnify the Prince of Peace in this season and give Him the glory due His Name.


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