GOD is all we need.


“Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.” Psalm 150:6 NIV 

When we trust GOD and are adopted into His family, praising HIM is a condition precedent. We all owe ourselves to HIM  and we draw our breath from HIM. 

Psalm 150 takes into consideration “EVERYTHING” not the word “EVERYONE”  Therefore Everything under the sun, the birds in the air, to the tiny creatures in the deep ocean’s bed, and the breathing humans must praise GOD for their creation. 

The act of praising GOD is an important and basic requirement that is bestowed upon every living thing. people in their sinful ignorance may deride God and when overcome with sorrows, may even deny that He is worthy of any worship. Psalm 150 makes it very clear that we are so dependent on Him for everything that we possess. even those people who refuse to recognize HIM are indebted to HIM. Psalm 150  makes clear our position before our GOD. We who think about ourselves as a self dependent, makers of our own fortune, artists of our own mind, are nothing more than helpless children before our Maker and our GOD. We need our GOD so much, and let  us to acknowledge this fact out loudly.


One Comment

  1. Ramakrishna
    25 Jun 2020 06:42:53 Reply

    Everyone that has breath praise Lord. Nice promise word. It’s honey in the rock, oh taste and see that the Lord is good. Yes He is worthy to be praise. Hallelujah. Thank you Lord.
    Thank you Pastoral team for today’s good WORD OF GOD. His promise. Oh I am excited let’s praise our Creator, for His goodness. Amen

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