GOD is our deliverer.


The righteous cry, and the Lord hears, and delivers them out of all their troubles. Psalm 34:17 

Life throws many challenges at us. At times we lose the courage and lack determination to face the many problems suffered by us. Sometimes, we feel why is GOD not answering our prayers, and a wave of discouragement and worthlessness engulfs us. Well, the devil wants to use such situations in our life and the feelings attached with these circumstances in our life, to turn us away from our GOD, and it is in these situations that GOD is the closest to us. 

Yes, Let us not forget that when the world is roaring at us with problems and shouting out our weaknesses at us, our GOD is silently strengthening us through these tough times. Our GOD is near to the broken hearted. HIS strength is made perfect in our weakness. All that we need to do is, not to listen to the devil and his deceiving words, but to fight the negative thoughts in our head and meditate on the life giving word of our GOD. 

It is written in  Romans 10:17, “Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God”. So when you are discouraged, scared, doubtful, run to the word of GOD. do not listen to the negativity around you but listen to the life giving and strengthening word of GOD. GOD might not have answered our prayers yet, but we know that our GOD is never late. He will do all things beautiful in HIS time. In the meantime, let us cry out to HIM, and believe in HIM for he is our DELIVERER.  




  1. Govindarajan V
    04 Oct 2019 07:35:28 Reply

    Our GOD is working in our lives through his never failing promise words. Our GOD delivered Israelites from Egypt, Daniel from lion’s den, walked as fourth person in the fiery furnace,……

    He is the same yesterday,today and forever.

    You alone are my refuge. Praise you Lord God of all creation.

  2. Mids Luke
    05 Oct 2019 06:20:22 Reply

    Lord, we trust your timing and providence over our lives. We pray for complete healing and deliverance from things that pull us back from enjoying our blessings.

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