GOD is taking care of You.


“Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.” Jeremiah 33:3 (NIV) 

It is very common for us to build distances with GOD because we feel we are not worthy enough to call on HIS name. We often make mistakes and build a wall within us, such as  “GOD is holy and i am a sinner, what would he have to do with a person like me?”  Well, the truth is far from what we presume. 

Our GOD accepts us with our weaknesses. He understands the struggles we go through each day, to overcome our shortcomings. Every effort of ours counts to our GOD. Nothing ever goes in vain, when you try for JESUS. 

The above verse, from Jeremiah, is telling us today, that we do not know many things in life, many important things, we might be missing out, many unknown things of the wise have not crossed our minds, but when we call upon HIM, He will answer and tell us the great and important things of life, which are not known to us. He will make us wise and sharp. 

So, Let us not struggle with our battles alone, when GOD is lending a helping hand. Yes, “The battles belong to HIM”.  let challenges come, storms rage, doubts engulf , we will not be overthrown, because we will witness the salvation of our GOD in our lives today. AMEN.


One Comment

  1. Daulphin Sara Janet
    26 Jun 2020 10:30:51 Reply

    Good message to strengthen us at times of struggle.
    Praise the Lord. Amen

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