God only knows!


Though your beginning was small, yet your latter end would increase abundantly. Job 8:7

During his time, Job was the most righteous person living then. He went through the most misfortunes that a person could ever endure. He lost his children, his wealth and even his health. In the thick of these trials, Job’s friends tried to encourage him with their words of wisdom. Like most of us, his friends assumed they knew what was happening in Job’s life. They presumed that God, judging justly, was punishing Job for all his terrible sins. The advice of his friends was valuably insightful but lacked God’s truth. Unlike Job, his friends lacked confidence in their identity with God. The half-truth conveyed by Job’s friends would have been ideal for everyone but Job. Job’s latter end was much larger than all he ever endured or lost.

We get inspired by the many rags-to-riches stories we read in the media. Some of these are later verified wrong on further investigation or fact checks. Instead, we can draw life inspiration from the perfect Word of God that cites many impossible stories of small beginnings. With God on their side, the underdogs rose to glory without any promotion from anyone. We don’t have a complete picture of our lives on Earth, and usually, we assume things based on our knowledge or experiences. Assumptions are not evidence enough to judge rightly when God only knows what is going on.

Let us not be quick to pass judgment like Job’s friends. Instead, we could be silently present during their tough times, like they initially did. Leave the judgement to God alone and trust Him completely to turn around any situation. God only knows the exact picture beyond what we see. Our role is to watch and pray. Don’t sleep off from your role, but stay vigilant, for the enemy is prowling to devour someone. With God on our side, no doubt, victory is ours!


  1. Stephen
    24 May 2024 09:45:34 Reply

    I’ve gone through a phase – “why doesn’t a single person understand me and stand by my side?” I realized that God was with me throughout and helped me from falling. In such moments, I’ve learnt to pray about it, blindly trust God & simply leave it. God was merciful indeed. Read this somewhere – “If you have no one but Christ, you have all you need.” Job experienced that. Praise God for His mercy & goodness.

  2. Ruby willam Dhaser
    24 May 2024 12:55:44 Reply

    same message is I too have same message to forward thanks

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