God’s Blessing to us


Numbers 6:24-25: The Lord bless you and keep you; The Lord make His face shine upon you, And be gracious to you

The Lord our God is our loving Father. As His children, we are His priority, which is why He doesn’t leave it to anyone else to bless us. In Numbers 6:24-25, God teaches Aaron and his sons, the priests of those times, how to bless the people in God’s name.

The Lord bless you, which is in all aspects of your life: physical and spiritual. Wherever you are – God doesn’t say He will bless you only in your business, your work, your job, or only in your home; He will bless you in all that you do. And keep you, means God will be your Protector. So, no harm will come to you because the Lord Our God is the One who will be your refuge in times of trouble.

The Lord make His face shine upon you – God looks at us tenderly with a smile on His face. Even though He hates sin, He is a loving and forgiving Father; thus when we falter, His Mercy leads us back into His loving arms.
And be gracious to you – Jesus made the ultimate sacrifice for us by dying on the Cross for our sins. Through Jesus, God delights in us. God gives us His Grace freely, not because of our works, but because that is the nature of God.

Just as God blesses us by using His people, let us also bless those around us. Let’s share God’s blessing and grace to others like He continues to do for us.

Dear Lord, thank you for your many blessings in my life. Thank you for keeping me safe and for loving me, Lord. Thank you for your Grace and your Mercy in my life, Lord. Help me Lord to look to you for strength to live a righteous life. Help me Lord to share your Love and your Blessings with all those around me, Lord. Amen


One Comment

  1. Ramakrishna
    03 Jan 2021 05:09:58 Reply

    God’s blessing song that was sung as a church in the new year 2021 is mind blowing. It’s truly a year of accomplishment. God bless you all abundantly.
    Amen Hallelujah

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