Psalm 51:17– “The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise. “
David felt guilty about Uriah’s bloodshed. He wanted God to forgive him and for a singer – months of unconfessed sin were silent from a spirit of true praise. David knew that God did not seek animal sacrifices to deliver him, which he must have given aplenty. David realized animal sacrifices had their place, but God desires the heart. He recognized the emptiness of sacrifices without a penitent heart, and the value of a broken spirit and broken and contrite heart. It did not matter what others thought; God did not despise his broken and contrite heart, and that was enough. What is the opposite of a broken and contrite heart? It is a hard or stony heart, which signifies a heart insensitive to sin, stubborn, incorrigible, and rebellious against God.
In the world, a broken thing or contrite person would be disregarded, ridiculed, rejected, even belittled. But this is exactly what God wants. God made everything; He made us and wants us. He wants us to choose Him, His ways and not to impose them on us. If God had the attitude of the world, by now He would have probably imposed rules to make us love Him in fear. But God our Heavenly Father is love. God knows we are born in sin. He knows our flesh will always lead us wayward unless we are in Him. And He already made a plan for Salvation with this in mind. He didn’t wait for any animal sacrifice by us. He sent His Son as the ultimate sacrifice of all sins for all, all and anyone who believes in Christ – the Son of God. God wants people to be sorry when we sin against Him; a heart tender, and pliable to God’s Word. Instead of rebelling against God, people with broken spirits and hearts agree with God. God has never spurned a lowly, weeping penitent, and He never will because God is love. And, Jesus is called the man who receives sinners. The broken heart is acceptable to God only through Jesus Christ; there is no true repentance without faith in Jesus. Also, those who have been through spiritual troubles, know how to pray for others afflicted this way.
Today, make a decision to go to God with your broken and contrite heart to tell Him about whatever sin you have been feeling guilty or ashamed about. Your Heavenly Father will never judge or despise you. The Lord binds up and heals such broken hearts and spirits, He is nigh to such persons, looks upon them, has respect unto them, and comes and dwells among them. If you are truly repentant, God will only look upon you with favor and will grant His blessing of forgiveness to your heart. (If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness, 1 John. 1:9).