God’s handiwork


For we are Gods handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in
advance for us to do. Ephesians 2:10

Today’s verse is from Apostle Paul’s letter to the church in the city of Ephesus. Ephesus was a huge
city and was the epicenter of worship for the Greek and Roman gods. He was a missionary there for
two years, it was a fruitful season and many people gave their lives to Jesus. The central theme of
this book is Gods design for redemption, the good news of the gospel and how it should impact our

From eternity past, God the Father purposed to choose and bless his covenant people. However our
sin lead to separation from God. Mercy and love found us and in Christ Jesus we find God’s grace
and forgiveness. Before Christ we were cut off from God and his covenant people. But now in Christ
Jesus we have been restored to God and also his covenant family. How wonderful! We are now
adopted into the blessed covenant family. We are brought into this family through the work of the
Holy Spirit. We see the magnificent Trinity at work in the plan of redemption for YOU and me.

How precious is our standing with God! No longer slaves to sin (alone, powerless and helpless) but
now sons and daughters of the Most High God (loved, secure, protected, powerful, anointed, highly
favored and the list goes on.) Before we believed in Christ we were physically alive but spiritually
dead, trapped in a life of sin and selfishness. We were deceived by the dark forces of evil
nevertheless owing to the beautiful exchange on the cross of Calvary where Jesus bled and died for
you and me, we are saved from eternal damnation and suffering. Now this saving gospel must
change every part of our life story personally, in our neighborhoods and communities and families.

We are called God’s handiwork, we were made carefully with His own hands. Similar to an artist
painting an exquisite depiction of a butterfly with the purpose to showcase the wonder of
metamorphosis, we are HIS new creation, In Christ with the purpose to showcase His glorious
attributes. We are like the caterpillar, a work in progress but we can experience the joy of our calling
by trusting His word and embracing the talents He placed in us. So today sing, dance, paint, work
and do whatever you are gifted to knowing that in doing so you are fulfilling His purposes.


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