Greater Days Ahead of Us


… I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead. Philippians 3:13


A major part of our mind is built on memories. Some songs, videos, photos, smells bring memories that awaken our deep emotions .it brings back the joyous experiences that are associated with those memories. We would love to go back to those days, and some may say “those were days “.

Then there are those memories from the past that we would NOT like to remember. Those parts of our lives that make us weep. It may be pain, guilt, or hopelessness.

This scripture encourages here to forget those unpleasant things which are behind and reach forward to the future. We have this hope because we are transformed and redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ.

Our future is in the Lord Jesus Christ. Let us surrender our imperfections, pain, guilt, and sorrow into His hands. Like a stone becomes a beautiful building in the hands of an architect, our lives in the hands of the Lord Jesus Christ will prepare us for the glorious future that lies ahead of us.

Our hope in Him is that our lives will not end in this physical body, but He will make us perfect to live an abundant life in this world and prepare us to spend a blessed eternity in His presence.

As we go through this day, let us remember, greater days are ahead for those who are in the Lord Jesus Christ.


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