Ground Breaking Miracles


Psalm 35:9 And my soul shall be joyful in the Lord; It shall rejoice in His salvation.

Being joyful is a choice we have to make consciously!

Paul was tortured and thrown into prison, for delivering a slave girl from an evil spirit.

There are times in life when we encounter unfair circumstances. Maybe a co-worker caused a mess for which we get the blame. Or maybe, we’re trying hard to overcome an addiction without much progress. Or our fight against anger is leading nowhere. How do we make a conscious choice to stay joyful in such situations?

Paul was battered to the point where he couldn’t move. Like that wasn’t enough to render him immobile, the jailor had fastened his feet in stocks.

What reason did Paul have to be happy?

Absolutely no logical reason! Nevertheless, he made a conscious effort to be joyful. He sang songs of praise in the prison cell. Suddenly, the ground shook under the influence of an earthquake, which flung the prison doors open. Freedom had found Paul!

Often, things around will give us ample reason to be sorrowful and dispirited. However, it is in times like this that we should make an effort to be joyful. Our joy is an outward demonstration of our trust in God. It releases God’s supernatural miracles in our lives!

When we face hard or unfair situations, let’s say, “God, I don’t understand this, but I trust you”, hold on to our joy, and get set to witness God’s supernatural deliverance!


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