GOD will heal us.


I have seen his ways, and will heal him; I will also lead him And restore comforts to him And to his mourners.: Isaiah 57:18

This is such a powerful verse for this season. Our GOD knows what we are enduring and how much support and help we need. HE has not turned his back on us, rather HE is closer than ever in these times of our lives. our GOD says Fear Not, and the Bible mentions this term 365 times, so our GOD has given us affirmation for each new day, to be courageous and not to fear.

We need to put one thing in perspective in our lives, and that is, we do not carry GOD and his reputation on our shoulders, it is GOD who is carrying us and our needs, but we sometimes develop a distance with GOD thinking, that we have let HIM down in many ways and we might not receive an answer to our prayers due to the sins in our life. GOD doesn’t think or act in this fashion, HE has shown it to us in HIS word, in the gospel of John 8:7, the Pharisees and the scribes, bought a woman who was caught in adultery and presented her before JESUS and said, “Teacher she has been caught in adultery, the law says we need to stone her to death, but what do you say? our LORD JESUS, a GOD of compassion and Justice that HE is, says ” “Let him who is without sin among you be the first to cast a stone at her.”  So our GOD is saying that HE has seen our ways, HE knows every malice in our hearts, HE knows our weaknesses, and the best part is, HE STILL chooses to find us in the midst of our weakness and heal us. HE chooses to be our GOD.

The fact that you are reading this passage, and are here trusting in the LORD, is nothing short of a miracle when compared to the stages you have crossed in your life, if GOD has been with you in the past and seen you through, why would HE decide to give up now? Well, our GOD is the GOD of hosts who never slumbers nor sleeps, HE always has a vigil eye on you, wherever you are and HIS favor and protection are constantly covering us. HE is still holding you in HIS embrace and never will HE let go.


One Comment

  1. Shivaram
    26 May 2021 12:27:08 Reply

    Amen..Praise to the LORD Almighty Loving Gracious Father GOD.

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