He Is Worthy Of All Praise


And the heavens will praise Your wonders, O Lord; Your faithfulness also in the assembly of the saints. Psalm 89:5

This is a good saying that God’s loving intent for his people has been set in stone and cannot be changed. The sun rises and sets each day. The tides go out and come in. The wonder of creation points not only to the majesty and grandeur of God but also to His faithfulness in sustaining them.

This description of God is tied to the faithfulness of His character because we can be assured of His constant presence unlike our human relationships, which are continually in a state of change.

We often forget to praise God for His faithfulness. Praise is the joyful recounting of all God has done for us. It is closely intertwined with thanksgiving as we offer back to God, our appreciation for His mighty works. God sees the heart, and He desires and deserves sincere, heartfelt praise and worship.

Today, as we start our day, let us make Praise our lifestyle. Let us stop and praise God for this life and all that He has done for us. Even as we face temptations and challenges, let us lift our eyes to the Lord’s heavenly throne and look at God’s sovereignty, love, justice, and grace. Let us find joy and assurance in His faithfulness. Amen.


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