
Hebrews 13:15

Therefore by Him let us continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to His name.

Under the Law of Moses, Israelites had to take the best and spotless animals from their herds to offer as sacrifices. Our first lesson: this animal had the potential to produce the best offspring considering it carried the best genes. Instead of keeping it, the Lord expected it to be ‘sacrificed’ to Him.

People had to travel far and wide to come and present this offering in Jerusalem. Many times on this journey, different thoughts would have crossed their minds. About the process, giving up their best, the journey itself, the challenges, etc. Perhaps, it would have been an emotional struggle too.

Then, they had to confess their sins before the priest and those sins were placed and transferred upon this undefiled animal. The transaction would render the person sinless and the animal sinful. The animal had to pay for these sins with its faultless blood. Death, therefore, had no claim on the person anymore!

Does this sound fair to you?

This is exactly what Christ Jesus did by coming to the Earth. Since the wages of sin is death, God had this magnificent but extremely dear price to pay. He knew that the one blameless Lamb was His only Son. God gave us HIS BEST through Christ Jesus. Though the journey to the Cross was a tumultuous, emotional struggle for Jesus Himself, He had something so important on His mind-YOU!!! Thus, He bore your sins as His very own and PAID WITH HIS BLOOD!!!

Beloved, confess your sins because Jesus has already poured out His blood for you! You are set free! You have a new DNA, a new bloodline! Jesus paid it all, IN FULL!!!


One Comment

  1. Sarah
    18 Aug 2022 08:20:06 Reply

    Absolutely love your feeds. The word of God is so powerful and eternal. Jesus Christ our Lord, the ultimate sacrifice, who bore the sins of the World, that whosoever believes on Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
    Praise be to out Heavenly Father who spared not His Son so that we might be saved.

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