Help! I’m a Sinner


Jeremiah 33:8 (NKJV): I will cleanse them from all their iniquity by which they have sinned against Me, and I will pardon all their iniquities by which they have sinned and by which they have transgressed against Me.

God made 6 promises to His people who were held captive in Babylon. God promised to:
1. Bring health and healing to Babylon
2. Bring Judah and Israel out of captivity
3. Forgive His people for all their sins
4. Have the city bring God joy, praise and honor
5. Bring back the sounds of joy and gladness
6. Provide fresh pastures and new flock for His children

Why is the fourth promise of God important?

As His children, we are called to live a righteous life and through our lives give glory to God. But we have been born into a world of sin where every person is born a sinner. Temptation surrounds us daily and the devil diverts us from following the life God has planned for us.

But, good news! We have been delivered from our sins because of our faith in Jesus Christ. God sent His only Son – Jesus – to die on the Cross, as a sacrifice for our sins. We have been adopted as God’s sons and daughters, when we were born again in Him.

Too simple? Is there a catch? No there isn’t. As God’s children, when we surrender ourselves to Him, we surrender our talents and skills; we surrender our flaws, failures and temptations as well. God gives us His Spirit of discernment through the Holy Spirit to stay firm in God’s word.

Startling news? Even with the Holy Spirit guiding us, we can still be tempted and sin because the final choice is ours to make.

Is it all over for us? We can go back to God to confess our sins and ask for forgiveness. Cry out and run back to Him. And like the prodigal son, He will welcome you with open arms, wipe your slate clean and give you a chance to start afresh.


One Comment

  1. Deepa Daryanani
    22 Jun 2021 16:28:49 Reply

    Praise God !
    God has always poured out His LOVE when we run to HIM with REPENTENCE In our Hearts .
    God’s WORD is LIVING and manifests on confession .AMEN

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